• admin@kiara-indonesia.org
  • Bogor, Indonesia


1. BEHAVIOR & ECOLOGY OF WILD JAVAN GIBBONS at Gunung Halimun salak national park

We are
operating a long-term research site for the behavior and ecology of Javan gibbons initiated by the primate team of Ewha Womans University – South Korea, collaborating with IPB University – Indonesia. The research station is
located in
Citalahab Forest – Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, West Java – Indonesia.

Our site is the only long-term site that extensively studies the behavior and ecology of wild Javan gibbons and has been becoming the field laboratory for Indonesian and international students. 

A Long Term Monitoring

Assisted with a field team consisting of trained local community members as members of our research team, we conducted regular monitoring for wild and endangered Javan gibbons better to understand their behavioral ecology in the submontane forest. In the past, the primate team of JGRCP, consisting of researchers from Ewha Womans University and IPB University, have collected extensive data monitoring of diet, social behavior, and home range size.

Research Scholarship

To extend the interest in primate conservation for Indonesian students and train the next generation of conservationists, we are committed to providing an opportunity through research scholarship mechanisms started in 2022 for undergraduate students from various universities. Six scholarships have been distributed, and the first scientific paper of one of the grantees has been published! Read here

Internship & Volunteer Program

Suppose you care about wildlife, community and want to learn more about conservation at the grassroots level. In that case, the internship and volunteer program is a valuable opportunity to gain experience with our team while fulfilling the official curriculum from the schools or universities. Until today, we have supported the internship program for 30+ students with different backgrounds from various vocational high schools and university in Indonesia.


Homerange & Feeding Pattern

The Javan gibbons exist in the protected area; many still survive in a fragmented area outside of the protected area network with a high risk of conflict with humans, poaching, and isolation. We aimed to collect baseline data from one isolated group and compare it with a stable population at GHSNP.